This Year’s First Snowman / První letošní huhulák

This year’s first snowman comes so early 🙂
Previous year:
První letošní huhulák přišel tuze brzy 🙂

Aperture: ƒ/3.6 ● Camera: X10 ● Focal length: 16mm ● ISO: 100 ● Shutter speed: 1/350s ●


  1. That has to be one of the coolest snow men ever! Alas, we haven’t gotten any snow yet, and our pumpkins didn’t last more than a week after we carved them. It looks like you boys had fun!

  2. Who pressed the shutter? Its nice to see you in a shot for a change! We never have snow and pumpkins on the ground at the same time here. If that ever happens I will move farther south!

  3. One of my friends recommended I check out your blog. I’m totally in love with this snowman. I wish we had snow here to do stuff like that after Halloween.

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