1. Very striking shot. I love the contrast and the rays of sunlight in the background. This photograph can tell a great story.

  2. I’ve been suffering from a severe case of the holiday blues the past couple of weeks. Spending New Year’s eve at home, surfing the Internet, nothing really catching my eye or sparking an interest until I came across this most wonderful picture. It put(s) a big smile on my face and leaves a good feeling in my heart, so I had to stop and smell the roses for a moment – thanks for supplying the roses!
    Allison English

  3. My Internet connection is way slow today, so when it was downloading this fabulous photo it first appeared to become a gloomy picture, so glad that when it was all the way done that it ended up putting a smile on my face instead. Well done!
    Todd Benator

  4. I love how the children are holding hands and turn back to look. This is a very sweet shot. I noticed they are carrying baskets to collect the mushrooms. It reminds me of when I was a child and we used to collect nuts from all of the trees down the street and in our back yard.

  5. atep

    pěkná, škoda, že i kluci nevyfotili tatíky 🙂

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I love this one of the children. Are you a professional photographer? You should be. 🙂

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